Carsten Schröder
German qualified attorney
Specialist in Construction and Architect Law
Carsten Schröder is practicing law since 1997. He is specialized in private construction and real estat law. His work is mainly concentrated on advising Construction Companies in each stadium of a project – starting with contractual negotioations and up to (court-) proceedings, if neccessary. That includes all legal aspects in ongoing construction processeses.
Carsten Schröder also advises his clients in procurement proceedings (Construction sector). He is also an experienced Real-Estate-Lawyer.
Carsten is co-author and co-editor of the legal commentary “Der ARGE-Vertrag” (Werner-Verlag). He holds regular lectures, seminars and training courses on construction law issues. He also works as a referee in arbitration proceedings and is a certified specialist in construction and architect law (Fachanwalt für Bau- und Architektenrecht).